Ever since Apple open Apple Stores, their business increased turning Apple to be one of the most successful company in the market. It has been revealed that Apple Inc is one of the most innovative company that have higher average stock returns and higher average growth. Mostly known for their new and improved innovative products. Apple remains at its core a product company, one that would never give up control of how their products are created.
Apple provides a complete ecosystem for developers. In the managing process of all components including hardware, operating systems and the developer tools are designed by one company. They are all designed to work together flawlessly, in order to create an easier and much more perceptive experience so developers can focus on making great apps. The Apple Developer Programs offers a set of technical resources, access to pre-release software, and support in order to help developers with everything they need to create innovative applications for Mac OS X, iOS, iPhones, iPad, extenssion for safari, and accessories such as for iPod.
With more advanced technology as days goes by developers make it possible to create revolutionary applications that will set the bar for the next generation of mobile applications, Mac's and all other fun innovative gadgets we all await anxiously to be released to the market.
Apple's main goal towards their development and managing their new products are to use the most advance technology, effective managing staff to create their unique and innovative products and having much more to come.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Week 12- Customer Relationship Management.
Apple has manage to increase customer relationship throughout the years based on their customer service, knowledge, well-thought-out plan to deliver strong products and by creating an Apple culture that builds customers loyalty. Apple provides variable type of activities that keep customers inform in Apple products and aware of what Apple has to offer.
When shoppers sleeps or tent outside of stores waiting for the new release of products, to be the first ones to buy them such as the iPhone 4 and iPad, its for sure that the company has fanatical brand loyalty. Not only based on Apple's new innovative modern products that attract consumers and leads them to always come back for more, but also what Apple provides within the company. Apple store is a place where you can gather with others, share, learn and enjoy all of Apple product lines. Apple's staffers are well knowledge informed and trained about its products, making customers feel well comfortable when requesting information and service about the products. This fact sets Apple apart from the rest of the computing crowd. Apple store is a friendly place where Mac and PC users alike are well encourage to play and explore with the technology that the company offers, by creating this type of environment Apple encourages current and new customers to get excited about what it has to offer each season.
Apple not just provides hardware, but also additional accessories to their products. Such as an iPod, once you buy one, you can download music via iTunes, in iTunes where customers can stay in touch with Apple music world. Other products as well have many additional accessories towards their products.
Apple makes sure their products last and if for any unpleasantness reason, there's an Apple customer-service representative willing to assist at all times. As well as a warranty which comes along for each product at the purchase time. Apple is always looking for something new, something better while they do they make sure to offer discounts promotions and live learning experience such as workshop in stores.
Apple's allows customers to view new updates and purchase products on the online store which offers sales promotion as well. You can also sign up for e-mail updates for new news on product lines. What is best that attract customers to always return to Apple is their slick-looking hardware that reminds customers every time they use Apple products that what Apple offers is appealing and builds loyalty and much more customer relationship.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Week 11- Integrated Marketing Communication.
Apple's marketing communication has abroad with knowledge and enticing customers every time. Apple communication is intriguing, simple, clear and clever. Their strategy is broadcasting in TV ads, in print ads and online to attract customers. Its communication process within all Apple's promotion mix; advertising, public relation and encoding the message of Apple's mission has helped boosts sales, but enhances the brand value as well.
Apple promotion strategy begins by introducing their new products to a group of people in conference and then advertising through ads. Apple's promotional goals are to bring more customers and increase sales by promotions, discounts and much more. Also the AIDA ( Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) concept is used by Apple in their strategy plan. As we all know the only way many people finds out about new products are through Advertisements and sometimes a firm cannot reach their sales goals if their target market is not aware of the good or service that exists.
When Apple introduced the iPod, Apple had to advertise and promote it extensively through ads on TV, in magazines and on the internet to create attention (A) and awareness for the new products. After the target audience were aware of the product it was time to create interest ( I ), it was by demonstrating to the public the products features on hands in Apple's stores. Apple face competition based of desire (D)on other brands. Their needed to convince potential customers that iPod was the best solution to meet their desire by adding special features such as, extended-life battery, photo-video storage, clock, calender, to-do list and other features. As a result of convincing the target to choice Apple's iPod the most important part was Action (A) to purchase the item, effectively Apple continued advertising to communicate the features, benefits and used of promotions and price discounts.
Apple promotion strategy begins by introducing their new products to a group of people in conference and then advertising through ads. Apple's promotional goals are to bring more customers and increase sales by promotions, discounts and much more. Also the AIDA ( Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) concept is used by Apple in their strategy plan. As we all know the only way many people finds out about new products are through Advertisements and sometimes a firm cannot reach their sales goals if their target market is not aware of the good or service that exists.
When Apple introduced the iPod, Apple had to advertise and promote it extensively through ads on TV, in magazines and on the internet to create attention (A) and awareness for the new products. After the target audience were aware of the product it was time to create interest ( I ), it was by demonstrating to the public the products features on hands in Apple's stores. Apple face competition based of desire (D)on other brands. Their needed to convince potential customers that iPod was the best solution to meet their desire by adding special features such as, extended-life battery, photo-video storage, clock, calender, to-do list and other features. As a result of convincing the target to choice Apple's iPod the most important part was Action (A) to purchase the item, effectively Apple continued advertising to communicate the features, benefits and used of promotions and price discounts.
Week 10- Additional blog on Product Concepts.
Apple's products has been released every season, and every year we wait for their new and improve innovative products. Apple's product line extension has increase through the new iPods. Since the Mac's Apple has extended the product line to a more broad variety of products and more choices for customers. The iPod has 4 different type of iPod styles and different features for any type of comfort and convenience. These type of iPods are iPod Shuffle, iPod nano, iPod touch, and iPod classic. In each one offering the same idea of music but different features.
Appl'es adjustments to products are to modify them as much as possible with a better use of technology, more features, and better style. Many of us buy Apple products and then we realize that in a few months or the next season a new version is released. This can be a shift on the demand on present sales. If future products are expected to be more advanced or for lower prices, today sales will decrease. However Apple manages to maintain their sales goals up top with all their product line of iPod, Macs, iPhone and their new iPad.
Appl'es adjustments to products are to modify them as much as possible with a better use of technology, more features, and better style. Many of us buy Apple products and then we realize that in a few months or the next season a new version is released. This can be a shift on the demand on present sales. If future products are expected to be more advanced or for lower prices, today sales will decrease. However Apple manages to maintain their sales goals up top with all their product line of iPod, Macs, iPhone and their new iPad.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Week 10 - Product Concept.
Apple have been producing products that attracts consumers to view them as fun, unique and intelligent. Apple provides a variety of products that can be classified as either a business or a consumer products, depending on it's use. For business use Apple products are used to facilitate an organization operations, office use, graphic and art experts users and much more. Regular consumers buy products to satisfy individuals personal wants. Overall Apple's new products can be consider as unsought products, its future new products are unknown until advertising increase consumer awareness of them. However, sometimes Apples shows a sneak-peak of Apple future products to engage consumers towards their coming-up innovative products.
Overtime, Apple changes their products with new technical and product development to improve its function, style and quality for more easier, funner and amazing use. An example of Apple product modification is in their iPods, they had manage to improve and change their products with more application and much more advance. As well as in their Macs such as their new Mac Air and iPad. As more products are design Steve Jobs makes sure that its products concept are firm, known and as perfect as possible. By modifying their products, its benefits and especially their branding using their same logo in different styles.

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