Monday, September 20, 2010

Week-2-3 Additional Blog on Strategy Planning

           In the process of  Apple new ideas towards their new technology and new methods to improve their strategies on engaging consumers. Apple has further it's efforts to advice publishers to join the company's first push into selling newspapers and magazines subscriptions for the iPad tablet computer. Being able to accomplish it within the next two months or by the beginning of next year.
          While Apple tries to improve their technology to expand their innovating ideas, some of the people says that is better for Apple to announce the print-subscription, and it's periodical service offering as early as next year, along with the likely introducing of a new iPad. Instead of Apple announcing it's offers within the next month or so. Apple has allowed publishers to include "The Wall Street Journal" for $3.99 a week for full access, Newsweek for $2.99 each, the Financial Times, and digital magazine newsstand Zinio, also GQ $2.99/ issues, People for $3.99 each and the USA Today for free. As with Apple's rapid entrances into the media, the subscription efforts have been a big controversial inside the newspapers and magazines companies. All publishers are worried about letting Apple take it's typical 30% sales cut on the media that will sell. Regardless of what other medias might think, Apple's objective towards their new plan has been set and they are looking forward to accomplish their new plan that will change the paperless of daily readers, witch also encourages into the green market. The subscription push will be a sign that newspapers and magazines will be Apple's next front in it's sale of media like it has been with the music industry and with television shows, movies, and books. Apple ideas might have big changes in the world we live in today especially for their consumers that get it's highly benefits.


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